Monday, September 16, 2013

Language Arts: September

 Students will focus on literary elements during September in language arts.

We began the month by completing a project entitled Story of Me.  This project was a booklet of biographical information that connected personal details with literary elements such as character, conflict, and foreshadowing.

After spending some time reviewing the literary elements in class, students took a test on the material and are ready to start applying the information while reading short stories in their textbooks.  Textbooks will be distributed this week in class and can be accessed online at

Additionally, students have been reading the novel Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech.  Each week or so, a set of chapters is assigned with a review activity.  Time is given at the beginning of each period to read silently, work on the review activity, and see Mrs. Wright with any questions.  We spend time in class discussing the novel on the due dates.  By the end of the month, students should be almost finished reading the novel.