Monday, September 30, 2013

Fit Day

Spartan students participated in CMS's annual 7th Grade Fit Day.  
Here are some photos from the activities at the stadium.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

7th and 8th Grade Activity Night

Spartans are invited to attend a 7th and 8th grade Activity Night on September 27th at the High School.  Students who signed up to attend the event in homebase this week will receive their tickets next week.  We look forward to a great night!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Seventh Grade Fit Day

Seventh Grade Fit Day is a scheduled for Friday, September 27th.  On this day, Spartans will participate in group fitness activities instead of having class.  Weather permitting, each homebase will walk down to the stadium for a morning of activities prepared by the Fit Day Committee.  After a healthy lunch back at CMS, the Spartan team will rotate through informational sessions about healthy living.  We are looking forward to a great day with our Spartans!

Language Arts: September

 Students will focus on literary elements during September in language arts.

We began the month by completing a project entitled Story of Me.  This project was a booklet of biographical information that connected personal details with literary elements such as character, conflict, and foreshadowing.

After spending some time reviewing the literary elements in class, students took a test on the material and are ready to start applying the information while reading short stories in their textbooks.  Textbooks will be distributed this week in class and can be accessed online at

Additionally, students have been reading the novel Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech.  Each week or so, a set of chapters is assigned with a review activity.  Time is given at the beginning of each period to read silently, work on the review activity, and see Mrs. Wright with any questions.  We spend time in class discussing the novel on the due dates.  By the end of the month, students should be almost finished reading the novel.

Picture Day

Picture Day is scheduled for Thursday, September 19, 2013.  Spartans should bring in completed order forms that day and give their orders directly to the photographer.  All students should plan to get pictures taken on Thursday even if they are not ordering photos.

Friday, September 6, 2013

English book is now accessible online

Your Spartan English text (the yellow book) is now accessible online!  You were provided your username and password in Language Arts class, and that information is the same for English.

You can go to: to access either of these books.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Spartan Tee-shirt Sale

The Spartan team is holding a tee-shirt sale to support our team and show school pride.  Forms will be sent home on September 3, 2013.  Completed order forms and money should be returned to homebase teachers by Friday, September 13, 2013.