Friday, November 9, 2012

English Grammar Units

In English class, we are just finishing up our review unit on nouns, pronouns, and adjectives.  This unit is culminating in a chapter test today.  Students had the opportunity during yesterday's class to complete a practice review quiz, work on a review packet, ask questions about any confusing terms/items, and complete some games to review.

We will begin focusing on our next mini-unit on Monday.  This will be a unit covering verbs and adverbs.  We break Chapter 3 into two parts (verbs and adverbs & prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections) to make it more manageable for the students.  The verb and adverb unit will be finished before Thanksgiving break!

REMINDER:  A great tool for English is  Students have an account here.  They can find resources for studying, games we've posted to be used for review, and can even interact with myself and Miss Kaczmarek by asking questions that will post on our personal accounts.