Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spartans Give a Hoot Thematic Unit

Spartans are beginning our Spartans Give a Hoot! Thematic Unit.
In the upcoming weeks, Spartans will be participating in classroom activities in each of their core classes relating to Environmental Conservation and Endangered Species.

Students started the unit by researching an endangered animal in English; they are now writing research papers on their animals.

In language arts, students are reading the novel HOOT, featuring the endangered burrowing owl, while studying literary elements.

In Science, students are beginning a unit on Environmental Conservation and the affects of habitat loss on the world's animals.

Students are studying areas of the world impacted by environmental loss in Social Studies.

In Algebra Connections, students made bar graphs using environmental facts and statistics.

Here are some pictures from the unit kick-off, held on Friday, April 29th.