Monday, September 29, 2014

Fit Day

Congratulations to our Spartan Team, the 2014 winners of the annual seventh grade Fit Day!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Online math textbook

Our PA Core Math 7 textbook is available online at   The username and password are identical, in which both contain an alphanumeric code consisting of the letters cm and your child’s student ID number.

     EX:        username:  cm555555    password:  cm555555


The Spartan team would like to welcome our 2014-15 Spartans!  We look forward to a great year together! Please check our blog for team information, classroom highlights, and student achievements throughout the year.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

End of a Great School Year!

The Spartan team would like to thank our 2013-14 Spartans for a wonderful school year!
We will miss all of you next year, but we will look forward to seeing you in 8th grade!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spartan Travel Log Project

Check out the Spartan Travel Log Project, a cross-curricular project completed in Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.

Spartan Travel Log Project - Click here

Friday, March 7, 2014

Cross-curricular Connections

Spartan students have been working on many cross-curricular units.

  • Mythology:  Students studied ancient Greece in Social Studies, wrote an editorial on the best and worst god or goddess in English, and read myths from ancient Greece in Language Arts as well as a mythology novel, The Lightning Thief.

  • Poetry: After writing poems in English, students are reading poetry right now in Language Arts class.

  • Country Research:  Next week, Spartans will be researching a country in Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts.  They will use their information to write a travel log from the perspective of a person visiting the country.

Upcoming units include the following:

  • Endangered Species:  Later in the month, students will be researching endangered species for an essay in English and a PowerPoint in Science.  Students in Language Arts class will be reading the novel Hoot that focuses on a young boy's quest to save an endangered owl.

  • The Incredible Journey/Animal Adaptations:  During the month of May, students will read the classic novel The Incredible Journey about the journey of three animals across the Canadian wilderness to get home to their family.  While reading the novel, students will study the adaptations of the wildlife featured in the book in Science class.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Learn Genetics!

Hey Spartans!  As promised, here's the link to the University of Utah Genetic Science Learning Center website:

As this endless winter keeps us indoors, take some time to further explore the topics we covered in class.  A great, current (thanks Morgan P!), easy-to-use resource for the middle school learner!!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Is it Alive?

 Many thanks to Brandan for the creative and informative bulletin board he constructed in Mr. Cornali's classroom.  Spartan science students now have a great reference when determining whether an object is living or non-living.

Stop by 304 to see Brandan's finished product!