Friday, October 19, 2012

CMS Writing Guide Blog

I just wanted to take a moment to share the CMS Writing Blog with all of you.  This has many helpful tips on a variety of topics.  These should take your writing to the next level!  Please visit the Writing Guide as often as you wish to get help!

Also, here is a link to an e-book copy of our CMS Writing Guidelines.  This will be a valuable resource to you in your middle school years and beyond!  Consider bookmarking it!

CMS Writing Guide

English class - Schedule posted

A schedule has been posted in Edmodo for the upcoming assignments for English. You can use this to get organized and keep track of what is going to be happening each day.  This is especially important for next week, as we have many end-of-the-9-weeks assignments that are coming due.

To access Edmodo, go to:

Your sign in (for most of you) is the same as your computer sign in at school.

Click on the Calendar tab at the top of the page.  This will take you to the English calendar.

Hopefully this will be helpful in keeping track of upcoming assignments.  You can also check Edmodo for helpful posts, test reviews, and online quizzes and games that can help you if you are struggling in class!