Friday, September 21, 2012

7th Grade Fit Day

Spartans participated in our annual 7th Grade Fit Day on Friday, September 21st.  We spent the day traveling through fitness stations at the stadium and at CMS.  Congratulations to our winning girls' relay team of Jessica, Jill, Macy, and Taylor.  The Spartan team would like to congratulate the Knights and the Titans for our three-way tie for the first year ever!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Language Arts: September

Students in Mrs. Wright's language arts class will be focusing on literary elements and fiction short stories during the month of September.  Students will be reading and discussing the short stories together in class and may access their textbook online from home. 

Additionally, we are reading the novel Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech.  This novel tells the story of Sal Hiddle and her adventures with her friend Phoebe in Euclid, Ohio, and with her grandparents on a cross-country trip to see her mother. 

Spartan Tee-Shirt Sale

The Spartan tee-shirt sale will be going on now through Friday, September 21, 2012.  Students should bring in their order form with size information along with $10.00 cash to their homebase teachers.