Thursday, December 22, 2011

Our Spartan Elf : Victoria Dolanch!

One of our Spartan students, Victoria Dolanch, organized a toy drive for the Children's Hospital! What a noble and sweet idea! Victoria got the whole school involved in this initiative, and many toys were donated to children who will not be able to go home for the holidays.

Way to go, Victoria!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Glopsnerch Essay

Spartan students are busy creating a gift for someone - a glopsnerch! They are writing essays, describing what a glopsnerch is, what it can do, how to care for it, and who is receiving it as a gift. These essays are done in class. We are following the entire writing process, and it will take us about 2 weeks of class time.

Students may also build a model of their glopsnerches, and bring them in for up to 10 bonus points in class! Several models have been turned in already, and they are excellent!