Friday, October 21, 2011

Science: "Expanding Your Horizons" STEM Conference

Five Spartan students attended the “Expanding Your Horizons” (EYH) conference at Robert Morris University on October 15. Katie, Nikki, Cat, Alexa, and Natalie participated in the nationally recognized conference for girls in 6th-9th grade who are interested in future Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) careers.

During the all-day conference, the Spartan girls attended hands-on workshops developed and led by RMU faculty and leading industry professionals. These included “Perfume Science”, “Regeneration Science”, “Explosions and Chemical Reactions”, “Unisphere Planetarium”, “Call my Random Number”, and “Endangered Animals”. Additionally, a speaker from the Society of Women Engineers gave a motivational talk about her successful career path during the lunch break.

According to Alexa, “The conference was inspirational and fun. I definitely recommend it for young girls who are interested in STEM careers. I spent time with friends, met interesting new people, and gained valuable knowledge.”

Katie returned with information about a middle school summer camp sponsored by the Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative. The camp, titled, “A Starfish Can Grow a New Arm, Why Can’t I?” is tentatively scheduled for July 2012. It will be held at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Please see Mr. Cornali if you are interested in learning more about this summer science opportunity!

September Spartans of The Month

Congratulations to Rodney and Sarah, our "Spartans of the Month" for September 2011. Keep up the great work!!!