Friday, February 25, 2011

Cooperative Learning in Sparta!

Spartans students are working in cooperative learning groups in Language Arts and Science!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Science/English Cross Curricular Enrichment

Students have recently been offered an enrichment opportunity for Science and English.

The Pennsylvania Society of Biomedical Research (PSBR) has put out an essay contest, open to all 7th and 8th graders. The topic of the essay contest is, "What's the point of Bioscience Research?" The essay must be 500 words or less.

The top three winning entries will receive cash prizes.

A paper with all of the requirements is available in Mr. Cornali's classroom. Interested students should see Mr. Cornali for this information.

This enrichment will not only enhance students' knowledge of bioscience research, but will also cause students to practice their best writing skills in an effort to be one of the top three essay winners!

Good luck, Spartan students!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Spirit Day: Classy Dress Up Day

Our Spartans are so classy! Here are some Spartans who participated in Classy Dress-up Theme Day.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Spartans of the Month: January

Congratulations to Nick and Gabi, our Spartans of the Month for January!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Spirit Day: Steeler Fans

Congratulations to Allie, winner of the Biggest Steeler Fan Theme Day. Take a look at these other Spartan Steeler fans, too!

Camp Lightning Thief

Spartans students became campers at Camp Lightning Thief on Friday, February 4th. Students arrived to find their classrooms transformed into "cabins" of the Greek gods and goddesses. We decorated the doors and lockers in homebase to kick-off the novel The Lightning Thief in Language Arts. Spartans will complete activities related to the novel in all of their classes during this cross-curricular unit.