Friday, April 30, 2010

Brian's Song: Language Arts

Students are concluding a unit on drama in language arts. We read the original script for the movie "Brian's Song" and then watched a more recent version of the movie to compare and contrast the dialogue and camera effects.

Spartans of the Month

Congratulations to Kathryn and Noah, our Spartans of the Month for April! Way to go!

Endangered Species Pathfinder

Mrs. Barbarino, our librarian, was kind enough to create a Pathfinder full of great websites about the endangered animals! Here is a link to the site! If you need more information, feel free to look here!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Endangered Species

Spartan students will be starting a unit on endangered species soon! They will be discussing some aspects of endangered animals in Science class. In English, they will write a research paper about one particular endangered animal. In Language Arts, students will be reading Hoot!

This should be a fun unit for the students! We're hoping they will learn lots of great new information about endangered species!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jonathan - Geography Bee Success!

Congratulations to Jonathan, our representative at the Geography Bee this past weekend! Out of 101 students from across the area, he placed 4th overall!

Jonathan, we are all so proud of you!

Winning Wall Decorations

Congratulations to Mrs. Wright's homebase (301) for winning the PSSA door decorating contest! Congratulations to Mr. Cornali's homebase (304) for coming in 2nd place!

All of the Spartan doors look fantastic! Everyone did a wonderful job decorating them to motivate all CM students to do their best on the PSSA!

Congratulations, Spartans!