Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pennies for Patients Fundraiser

Students in Mrs. Wright's homebase count their donations for the Pennies for Patients Fundraiser.

Poetry Cross-curricular Unit

Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Drakeley are implementing a cross-curricular poetry unit during the month of March. Students have been reading poetry and analyzing poetic techniques in language arts with Mrs. Wright. Students will now be applying the poetic techniques to their own poetry, written in English class with Mrs. Drakeley.

Spartans of the Month

Congratulations to Isabella and George, our Spartans of the Month for February! We are very proud of you!

Spartan Field Trip

The annual Spartan Field Trip took place on Wednesday, February 24, 2010. We enjoyed seeing the novel The Lightning Thief come to life on the movie screen as the culminating event in our cross-curricular unit. Check out these pictures of our excited Spartan Campers getting ready to join Percy at Camp Half-Blood!

Spartans of the Month

Congratulations to Madison and Cameron, our January Spartans of the Month! Keep up the great work!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spartan Geography Excellence

Congratulations to Spartan Jonathan for qualifying for the state level competition of the National Geographic Geography Bee! Jonathan will be competing on April 9th at Penn State University. If successful, Jonathan will proceed to the national competition in Washington, D.C. Way to represent Sparta, Jonathan and good luck at Penn State!!!