Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I am Algebra!

The following video is a humorous spin on the common fears associated with Algebra.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Students of the Month

Congratulations to our Spartan Students of the Month, Kimmy and Nick! Great work, Spartan students!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

New English Unit Coming Up!

The students are completing their unit on letter writing in English. They will be writing the final copies of their letters on Monday, which will conclude this unit.

Our next unit of study will be Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives. The students will be conducting a brief review and getting into a bit of further study on these parts of speech. The test on this unit will occur on December 22, 2009.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This Year's Olympic Games

Coming this holiday season the Spartans will be competing in 9 ancient Olympic games.The annual Olympic games will feature historically accurate events, dated back to the original games at Olympia. The Spartans will compete against the Knights and Titans for gold medal supremacy.This in an authentic learning experience that all students will take part in.Watch out for pictures from the event and of course, a medal count!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

English 7 - After Thanksgiving Plans

Students in Mrs. Drakeley's English classes have just finished a PhotoStory project! When they come back from Thanksgiving break, they will be beginning their study of how to write letters. We will be writing persuasive, descriptive, and informative letters. The students have already gotten a head-start on their letter writing in Mrs. Wright's class, so this unit will further their knowledge. Students will learn the correct format for writing these letters, as well as how to address an envelope correctly. We're looking forward to jumping right into this unit when we get back!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!

Upcoming Cross-curricular Unit: Mythology

Beginning in December, students will study Greek history in Social Studies with Mr. LaSalvia and read Greek myths in language arts with Mrs. Wright. In January, students will read the novel The Lightning Thief with Mrs. Wright and complete related activities in other classes!

Students Type Letters to an Author

Language Arts students in Mrs. Wright's class visited the computer lab to type letters to the authors of their library books.

Cross-curricular Unit: Independent Novels

Students recently completed a cross-curricular project after reading an independent novel from the library in language arts. Spartans checked out fiction books from the library with Mrs. Wright. Once they were finished reading the books, they wrote letters to the authors of the novels sharing connections with the books in language arts class. Mrs. Drakeley then had students use the PhotoStory software to retell the plot visually in English.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Spartan Tee-Shirt Day

Spartan students showed their team spirit by wearing their tee-shirts!

Spartans of the Month - October

The Spartan team would like to congratulate Allison and Jonathan, our Spartans of the Month for October. Keep up the great work!

Spartans of the Month - September

Congratulations to Austin and Taylor, selected for exemplary work during the month of September. Way to go!

Welcome to the Spartan Blog!

The Spartan teachers are currently working on a new way to communicate all the great things happening on our team. Come back soon!